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Branched flower spike with many flowers

Peat Moss

Harvested dead moss that had sunk below the living spaghnum. It is actually the dead, decayed plant matter of sphagnum moss that settles at the bottom of the sphagnum bogs. Dried and ground


Potential of hydrogen - measure of acidity or basicity of aqueous or other liquid solutions. 7 is neutral.


To remove the apical tips of growing tips to induce side branching. Usually done during active growth.


Pain in the Arse surprise


Interweaving branches together. Can be used to "fuse" two trees together so they look like one.


Interweaving branches together. Can be used to "fuse" two trees together so they look like one.


Seed with multiple embryos, producing seedlings that are genetically identical to parent tree.


Using any number of methods to get roots started on a cutting/scion. The more popular methods are cups and bags but some even direct plant into the ground.


To cut off parts for better shape or more fruitful growth. Usually done while dormant.